JMT Provides a Briefing on JAIF Rules and Procedures
TOKYO, 12 April 2022 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT) organised a refresher-briefing on JAIF rules and procedures to support the implementation of the JAIF project Strengthening Capacity Development for Local Governments in ASEAN to Tackle Microplastics Pollution through Decentralised Domestic Wastewater Management Approach.
Apart from the ASEAN Secretariat staff, the briefing was participated by the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) of the Philippines, which is the Project Proponent and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) that undertakes project activities as the Implementing Agency.
The briefing provided key elements to follow when implementing JAIF projects, such as reporting requirements, procedures for budget realignments, visibility guidelines, and project monitoring.
In his opening remarks, Naoki Minamiguchi, JMT Director, encouraged IGES to launch a “Regional Guidebook on Sustainable Decentralised Domestic Wastewater Management Towards ASEAN Resilient and Green Cities” next year as scheduled because the Year 2023 marks the 50th Year of Japan-ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation. Dr. Sevillo D. David Jr., Executive Director of the NWRB highlighted the long-standing challenges of water pollution due to inadequate and unsustainable domestic wastewater treatment and management.
A presentation made by Zin Aung Swe, JMT Programme Coordinator, facilitated the learning of the JAIF rules and procedures. The briefing was moderated by Dr. Pham Ngoc Bao, IGES Deputy Director.

JMT staff, Zin Aung Swe and Naoki Minamiguchi (third from left on second and third rows, respectively) participated in the briefing session.
© Institute for Global Environmental Strategies