JMT Discusses with JAIF Stakeholders on SMEs Sector in the Philippines
JAKARTA, 3 June 2020 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT) organised a meeting with proponent and implementing agency in the Philippines. More than 10 representatives, including members from JMT participated in the monitoring visit conducted remotely through video conference on 3 June 2020. The platform offered opportunities to understand relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and likely impact of JAIF-supported projects in support of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The meeting further discussed about its endeavour to promote SMEs within the ASEAN region through internship program and network.
JMT acknowledged the best practices and lesson learned that were withdrawn from the project implementation. The discussion also served as an opportunity to enable closer ties with JAIF stakeholders as the team met with representatives from Department of Trade and Industry – Bureau of SME Development (DTI-BSMED) as well as University of the Philippines Institute for Small Scale Industries (UP ISSI).
JMT monitoring team (Zin Aung Swe, Dea Karina Artikasih, Danty Sriwahyuni and Tabhita Novelina) posed for a photo with representatives from DTI-BSMED and UP ISSI following virtual meeting on Zoom
BANGKOK, 16 April 2020
JMT Participates in the 4th AJCCBC Project Steering Committee Meeting
JAKARTA, 13 August 2021
JMT Participates in the 6th Project Steering Committee Meeting for the ACE Programme