ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network (AMEN) Drives the Sustainable Development of ASEAN Economy

19 February 2024

By ASEAN Business Advisory Council ( ASEAN - BAC ) and JMT

Entrepreneurship lies at the heart of economic growth and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which plays a fundamental role in driving innovation and fostering economic integration within the ASEAN region. The 43rd ASEAN Summit, which was held in Jakarta, Indonesia in September 2023, underlined the potential of MSMEs of ASEAN and encouraged member countries to support the strengthening of MSMEs as an inclusive business model and to further empower them for equitable growth. The need to promote business inclusivity in the ASEAN’s approach is within areas such as digitalisation, green economy, and supply chain resilience.

In the diverse landscape of ASEAN, entrepreneurs encounter various challenges ranging from digital literacy to the need for sustained mentorship. Recognising the problems entrepreneurs face, the ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurship Network (AMEN) was established to provide comprehensive mentorship, empowering entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of business with confidence and resilience. AMEN addresses the situations above by offering tailored mentoring programme designed to uplift entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey.

Several AMEN mentees shared their insights into how this initiative significantly impacted their entrepreneurial journeys through modules, mentorship, and networking.

Wellness Business Runs Well

Mohammad Syafiq Syukri is the founder and CEO of Paning Free Company in Brunei Darussalam, a business that caters to the client’s wellness needs via cupping and massage services. He candidly shared his experience of failing to secure a job after graduating from college. This opened his mind to venture into entrepreneurship. In March 2020, he started to market his business online and on social media.

“The AMEN project has been a game changer for both me and my business. The biggest key impact and takeaway from this programme was the invaluable mentorship I received from seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts. Their guidance, insights, and practical advice have provided me with a new perspective, helped me fine-tune my business strategies and navigated complexities more effectively,” said Mohammad.

To Mohammad, the one-on-one mentoring sessions were the most beneficial segment of the programme because the personalised interactions allowed him to delve deep into business challenges and opportunities, receiving tailor-made advice and solutions from his mentors. The hands-on approach also significantly contributed to the growth and development of his business.

Make Dreams Come True with Hard Work and Dedication

Ky Chhorvy is the owner of KK 11 Mini Mart in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. Her entrepreneurship journey started after she got laid off due to organisational restructuring from a company where she worked for 12 years. When she started her business in 2018, the pandemic struck her entrepreneurship journey.

Nevertheless, she did not let the adversity halt her dream of having her own business, so she sold her house and invested all the money in the business that had been up and running since November 2021. Ky joined the AMEN programme and further learned about the entrepreneur mindset that gave her the power, motivation, and critical thinking as an entrepreneur.

“My business is young compared to other mentees. However, after joining the AMEN programme, I had learned multiple skills related to business and (the skills) became the most essential tool to accelerate my business growth, as well as to empower women like me. Both mentoring and coaching programmes play an important role in my business growth,” said Ky.

“Don’t give up on your dreams. In order to make your dreams come true, it needs a lot of effort, commitment, and energy through a stage of business development until the goal is achieved,” she concluded.

Meeting Supply and Demand Through Digitisation

As the current economic landscapes are gearing towards a digital economy, AMEN also showed how businesses can adapt to the dynamics. Wansiri Nimpitakpong is an AMEN Mentee from Thailand and the Founder and CEO of Prompt Pa Company Ltd. in Thailand. The company aims to help elderly people and their families receive assistance from Prompt Pa’s healthcare professionals, facilitating their visit to the hospital and ensuring they receive the healthcare they need. Their assistance includes communicating the elderly’s health concerns to their doctors and in return, conveying the doctor’s advice to the family members. She saw a rising problem in Thailand that the elderlies did not continue with their follow-up check-ups as they didn’t have anyone to bring them to the hospital.

“I think AMEN is a special course for me after the Covid time. After I finished the AMEN course, I think I learned a lot about how we can adjust to digitalisation and adjust how to operate our services with the techniques (that we have learned). This made it possible to make (the cost) as low as we can, so it will ease the elderlies to come visit the hospital.”

Wansiri hopes that she can expand her business to help elderly people with other services as well. She thanked AMEN that brought to her and her team the special, updated, and advanced knowledge to make their business useful for the community by making the courses available online in the Thai Language.

Other AMEN mentees also echo the benefits gained from AMEN, including the shift in mindset and perspective as a result of acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and continuous learning. Learn more about their entrepreneurship journeys in the video AMEN Project Phase 2 Testimonials.

The AMEN programme continuously responds to the challenges entrepreneurs face, while leveraging its robust network and providing tailored mentorship to drive the success and sustainability of MSMEs across the ASEAN region. In August 2023, AMEN concluded the phase 2 of the programme and celebrated the growing network of 111 coaches, 20 consultants, 7 translators, 105 mentors, and 194 mentees[1] from around ASEAN Member States (AMS). This growth significantly contributed to entrepreneurship development in ASEAN. Nevertheless, continued mentorships and trainings are essential in bridging gaps and ensuring the success and sustainability of MSMEs.

Japan supports the development of MSMEs especially in the area of Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Development through tailored programmes for AMS based on ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2016-2025 (SAP SMED 2025). Please see our Sector Brieffor more information on JAIF support for MSMEs. The ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurship Network (AMEN) programme is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).