Dedicated Pages for JAIF Projects

Improved Coordination and Strengthened Capacity to Deal with the Invasive Insect Pest Tuta Absoluta in Mainland Southeast Asia
Strengthening Capacity Development for Local Governments in ASEAN to Tackle Microplastics and Water Pollution through Decentralised Domestic Wastewater Management Approach
Development and Implementation of Facility Level Monitoring and Reporting (M&R) Framework for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in ASEAN Member States (AMS): Phase2
Creation and Testing of Learning and Accreditation Programme to Implement ASEAN-RAI Guidelines
Taxonomic Capacity Building on DNA Barcoding of Common Vascular Plants in the Tropics
Capacity Building of ASEAN TV Broadcasters through Documentary Program Production on Marine Plastic Waste in ASEAN
ASEAN-Japan Pharmaceuticals Training in Risk Management Plan
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Implementation Plan Training in ASEAN (GIPTA)
Development of ASEAN Common Qualification Scheme for Quality Control Experts (QC Kentei Examination portal for Malaysia)
Development of ASEAN Common Qualification Scheme for Quality Control Experts (QC Kentei Examination portal for Viet Nam)
Development of ASEAN Common Qualification Scheme for Quality Control Experts
ASEAN Japan Partnership Program for EMC and Safety Conformity Assessment of Multimedia Equipment