JMT participates in the 2nd PSC Meeting for the “AHA Centre Executive (ACE) Programme 2018-2020” Project and the 6th Meeting of the ACDM WG-KIM
HANOI, 12 and 13 September 2019 – The 2nd Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting for the “AHA Centre Executive (ACE) Programme 2018-2020” was held on 12 September 2019 in Hanoi. It was co-chaired by Singapore, Indonesia, and Viet Nam, and attended by the AHA Centre and the ASEAN Secretariat. The following day, 13 September 2019, the open session of the 6th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) Working Group on Knowledge and Innovation Management (WG-KIM) was held, also in Hanoi. It was attended by representatives from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Viet Nam. Moreover, representatives from the ASEAN-Korea Programme Management Team (AKPMT), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOHCA), and the JAIF Management Team (JMT) presented in the said meeting while the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) joined remotely through Skype.
The JMT presented on JAIF as well as provided technical assistance to both meetings.
JMT Programme Coordinator Zin Aung Swe (center) presented at the opening session of the 6th Meeting of the ACDM WG-KIM.
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