Highlights of JENESYS2022 Activities in November 2022

Highlights of JENESYS2022 Activities in November 2022
30 November 2022 -

JENESYS2022 aims to promote mutual trust and understanding among the peoples of Japan, ASEAN Member States, and Timor-Leste, to build a basis for future friendship and cooperation, as well as to encourage an understanding of various aspects of Japan. The project is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). These are the highlights of JENESYS2022 activities conducted in November 2022:

First JENESYS2022 Inbound Program: Japan-Lao PDR Exchange “Environment” – Face-to-face program has finally resumed at JENESYS! Twenty participants from Faculty of Environmental Science, National University of Lao PDR visited Tokyo and Nagano prefecture. Through exchanging with Nagano University students and visiting Hakuba village, they learned about Japanese environmental protection activities and renewable energy.

JENESYS2022 Inbound Program: Japan-Lao PDR Exchange “Japanese Language and Culture” – was held on 26 October – 1 November 2022. Nineteen participants from secondary school and university in Lao PDR visited Tokyo, Osaka, and Wakayama prefecture. They exchanged with Japanese students who study Lao at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. They also experienced Japanese tea and “Makie” (gold-relief lacquerware).

Read more about the program from JICE Facebook.

JENESYS2022 Inbound Program for Indonesia and Timor Leste – was held on 9 – 15 November 2022. This program was divided into three groups with different themes. Group A learned about diplomacy and local administration in Yamagata, Group B learned about maritime safety in Shizuoka, while Group C visited fishing industry in Toyama.