Improving Management Effectiveness in the ASEAN Heritage Parks through Capacity Development and Biodiversity Information Management
Proponent | : | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), Philippines |
Implementing Agency | : | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), Philippines |
The ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHP) Programme demonstrates ASEAN’s commitment in “ensuring that the rich biological diversity is conserved and sustainably managed toward enhancing social, economic, and environmental well-being” of the peoples of the region. As of September 2017, 40 protected areas across the 10 ASEAN Member States (AMSs) are listed in the AHP Programme. At the forefront of conserving and sustaining these protected areas are the AHP managers and staff.
Through the project ASEAN Heritage Parks Development through Capacity Enhancement and Information Development, JAIF has contributed to the AHP Programme by 1) improving the management plans of selected AHPs and 2) developing the capacities of AMSs in biodiversity assessment, monitoring, and data organization. The project also produced the Field Guide to the Plants of the Deer Cave Trail Gunung Mulu National Park Sarawak.
As unique contexts and varying stages of development continue to depict the current state of AHPs, it becomes imperative to continue investing on capacity building activities to ensure that constraints on human resources will not impede the effective and efficient management of these protected areas.
What is the project aiming for?
This project builds on the contributions of the previous project and focuses on those areas that need to be sustained by:
- Enhancing the knowledge of the managers and staff of AHPs and other protected areas on different implementation of strategies towards sound, scientifically-based, and sustainable environmental management of protected areas;
- Improving interoperability of biodiversity databases between and among AMSs and the various biodiversity information management platforms, such as Clearing-House Mechanism, East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative, Asia Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network, and Global Biodiversity Information Facility; and
- Increasing the awareness of stakeholders and the public on the importance of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
The ASEAN Member States are implementing various measures to protect its uniquely representative habitats and ecosystems through its ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHP) Programme. Protected areas benefit from being declared as an AHP through capacity building activities for park managers and stakeholders in the form of various learning events, such as trainings and workshops.
Media Release from the
22nd Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
3 July 2018
Montreal, Canada
The project Improving Management Effectiveness in the ASEAN Heritage Parks through Capacity Development and Biodiversity Information Management supports the ASEAN Cooperation on Environment, which aims to achieve “a sustainable environment in the face of social changes and economic development.”
As of 31 December 2018
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