Project to Assist Thailand in Fulfilling its Clearance Obligation under the Mine Ban Treaty (PATOM Phase 2) and Vocational Training Programme for Mekong Region Communities Affected by Landmine (VTMRAL): PATOM Phase 2-VTMRAL

Proponent:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and Thai Civilian Deminer Association (TDA)
Implementing Agency:Thai Civilian Deminer Association (TDA)


Explosive Remnants of War (ERW), which include unexploded ordnance (UXO) and abandoned explosive devices, continue to pose a significant threat in the ASEAN region – a consequence of historical conflicts and wars. These remnants have become a persistent danger, particularly in countries like Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam, where intense conflicts occurred in the past. These hazardous remnants not only risk the safety of local populations but also hinder socio-economic development by restricting land use and infrastructure development projects.

Since 2014, the Government of Japan, through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), has been supporting the implementation of three projects aimed at landmine and ERW clearance1. The most recent project alone has cleared an area exceeding 81,000,000 square meters, resulting in the discovery of nearly 5,500 UXO and abandoned explosive devices.

Building on the achievements, best practices, and lessons learned from the previous projects, the initiative continues to move forward with the Project to Assist Thailand in Fulfilling its Clearance Obligation under the Mine Ban Treaty (PATOM Phase 2) and Vocational Training Programme for Mekong Region Communities Affected by Landmine (VTMRAL): PATOM Phase 2-VTMRAL.

What is the project aiming for?

The project will not only focus on the landmine clearance but also address poverty and reduce landmine accidents among the underprivileged groups in the Mekong subregion. It aims to produce the following outputs:

  • Vocational trainings and mine risks education;
  • Clearance of minefields covering approximately 400,000 square meters; and
  • Compilation of lessons learned and best practices derived from the project.

We have a strong foundation to build on, and we are committed to continuing our work to reduce the impacts of landmine/ERW through our projects and programmes… We believe that by working together, we can achieve more and have a greater impact on the ground.

Ung Rachana

Message from the Chair of the Steering Committee of ARMAC (2022)

Annual Report of ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center 2022

The project contributes to the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025, particularly to Action Line B.4., which aims to resolve differences and disputes by peaceful means. Further, this project supports the economic and other possible areas of cooperation, which is one of the thematic areas outlined in the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

The project is currently underway and scheduled to be completed in June 2024.

As of 30 May 2024

1 The three projects are 1) The Implementation and Dissemination of the Experience of Minefield Releasing at Border Area with Cambodia in Surin Province, Thailand (MRCT), 2) Integrated Landmine Clearance to Promote Cross Border Economy-Lessons Learned from Thailand (ICEA), and 3) Project to Assist Thailand in Fulfilling its Clearance Obligation under the Mine Ban Treaty: PATOM.

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