JAIF Supports CLV Researchers through Training in Genomic Prediction and Biotic Stress Resistance Evaluation

JAIF Supports CLV Researchers through Training in Genomic Prediction and Biotic Stress Resistance Evaluation
11 December 2024 -

Rice cultivation challenges continue to threaten the agrifood sector, especially in developing countries. In response, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) conducted training programs designed to enhance the skills of researchers, focused on genomic prediction in crop breeding and biotic stress resistance evaluation, which will empower them to apply advanced breeding tools and standardized methods to develop resilient rice varieties and address critical agricultural challenges in their respective countries.

The training funded by  the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) and  focused on modern breeding techniques and tools, including R programming, quantitative genetics, and the application of genomic selection.

In summary, IRRI’s training programs reflect its commitment to advancing global rice research. Through expert guidance and hands-on experience, participants acquired valuable knowledge and skills to improve their work, making breeding activities and pest and disease resistance evaluations more efficient and impactful. With support from JAIF, Dr. Mary Jean Du, Breeding Lead for Southeast Asia at IRRI, played a key role in making these programs accessible to researchers from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, fostering collaboration across the region. These efforts contribute to improving rice production and breeding, ultimately promoting more sustainable farming practices worldwide.