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  • The Philippine private sector gained recognition for its efforts to promote regional economic cooperation and integration and narrow the development gap in the ASEAN, as the ASEAN Business Advisory Council Philippines (ABAC PH) chaired by Go Negosyo founder Joey Concepcion, recently garnered the First Place in the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) Visibility Award 2024.

    The award was in recognition of the ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network (AMEN), a region-wide entrepreneurial mentoring program that provides formal training to MSMEs of the ASEAN Member States (AMS).

    “The compelling human stories shared, highlighting the positive impact of the AMEN trainings on MSMEs in the region, have resonated with a wide audience,” JAIF said in its letter to ABAC PH. The letter also stated that ABAC PH’s exceptional efforts in promoting JAIF support through various media channels, such as newspaper articles and social media, have significantly contributed to raising awareness JAIF’s initiative.

    ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network (AMEN) is supported by the Government of Japan through JAIF.

    From 13-17 January 2025, the AHA Centre in collaboration with the Thailand Department of Disaster Prevention & Mitigation (DDPM) co-organised a training in Bangkok, Thailand, focused on enhancing humanitarian logistics management and Customs, Immigration, & Quarantine (CIQ) procedures for disaster preparedness and response.

    Attended by 34 participants from the ASEAN Member States, ASEAN Secretariat, and AHA Centre, the training is a vital component of the Disaster Emergency Logistics System for ASEAN (DELSA).

    Representative from the Mission of Japan to ASEAN, Mr. MORI Nobuo, further highlighted the commitment of collaboration between ASEAN and Japan to enhance ASEAN’s capacity in disaster management through projects such as DELSA. The DELSA Phase IV Project, supported by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), continues to foster partnerships and knowledge sharing to enhance humanitarian response efforts across the region.

    The Trade Competition Commission of Thailand (TCCT) has organized the Interface Workshop between the Competition and Health Sector Regulators (Online) on 21 January 2025 as part of the ASEAN Competition Action Plan (ACAP) 2025 Deliverable 4.2.1. The workshop aims to explore critical intersections between competition law and health sector dynamics, particularly during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussions will cover a comprehensive overview of how competition and the health sector evolved under the pressures of the global health crisis, addressing both challenges and opportunities for reform.

    The workshop brings together over 60 participants from both competition authorities and health regulators including the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC), Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), ASEAN Health Cluster ASEAN Health Cluster 2 on Responding to All Hazards and Emerging Threats Members, and ASEAN Health Cluster 3 on Strengthening Health Systems and Access to Care Members.

    This Workshop is part of the project on the Technical Assistance to Strengthen Competition Law Enforcement in ASEAN (AJCEP Phase 3) which is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    In AHA Centre’s latest highlight video, discover the challenges and key takeaways shared by ASEAN-ERAT Members who participated in the Level 2 Course on Information Management 2024.

    AHA Centre thanked the Social Welfare Department of Lao PDR for hosting the course and the Government of Japan for its support through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    Watch the full video here.

    SEAFDEC/secretariat, Tomoko Nakazato, Fumiya Takahashi and SEAFDEC/IFRDMD, Toru Shimoda exchanged views with Ambassador KIYA Masahiko of Japan Mission on recent activities of 3 JAIF projects “Stock assessment of tropical eel”, “ASEAN Regional action plan of Management of fishing capacity” and “Monitoring and Reduction of Marin Debris of fisheries” under ASEAN Japan MIDORI cooperation plan. Through JAIF, Japan is supporting ASEAN’s efforts to integrate toward the establishment of an ASEAN Community. In these projects, Japanese Specialists are working to achieve sustainable fisheries resource management and marine debris reduction in the ASEAN region.

    1. SEAFDEC: Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
    2. IFRDMD: Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department

    Relive the exciting moments of the ASEAN-ERAT Level 2 Course on Rapid Assessment held in September 2024 in Vientiane, Lao PDR!

    Watch the thrilling journey of 13 ASEAN-ERAT members from the ASEAN Member States and the AHA Centre as they become Rapid Assessment Specialists.

    The course was hosted by the Social Welfare Department of Lao PDR and supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    Watch now on YouTube.

    Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, IKUINA Akiko received a delegate of about 100 university students from 10 ASEAN Member States (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and Timor-Leste, who are participating in the “JENESYS2024 ASEAN-Japan Students Conference”.

    Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ikuina started by giving welcoming remarks to the delegation in their own languages, and stated that it was a valuable experience for future leaders from different countries to meet together and exchange views openly, and that she hoped they would become “lifelong friends”. The two student representatives of the delegation expressed their gratitude for their visit to Japan through JENESYS and their expectations and enthusiasm for participating in the ASEAN-Japan Students Conference and for strengthening ASEAN-Japan relations further. At the end of the courtesy call, Ikuina, guest and the delegation took photos together to commemorate the program.

    Japan’s Friendship Ties Programs JENESYS 2024 is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    The Ninth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Strategic Plan (AHWG) took place on 14-15 January 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was co-chaired by the Under Secretary of International Relations Division (Culture) at the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia, Dr. Christina Yeo Ken Yin, and Director of the Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB), Department of Social Welfare and Development of the Philippines, Hannah A. Giray-Carcido.

    The meeting reviewed and deliberated on key insights from stakeholder engagement activities as well as recommendations from ASCC and cross-pillar sectoral bodies. The meeting also exchanged views on the next steps, including timeline of the Strategic Plan’s developments and arrangements for the succeeding AHWG meetings, with the aim of finalising the ASCC Strategic Plan for the adoption by the ASEAN Leaders in May 2025.

    This meeting is part of ongoing activities to support the development of the ASCC Post-2025 Strategic Plan Project funded by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) 3.0.

    The General Lecture, titled “Advancing Fishery Sciences: Insight and Innovations from Experts,” took place on Monday, 13 January 2025, at Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries. The event was organized by SEAFDEC collaborated with the Agency for Marine and Fisheries Extension and Human Resources Development of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, reflecting the commitment to promoting the Blue Economy as part of Indonesia’s vision for a golden future. The event reaffirmed Indonesia’s commitment to advancing fisheries science and encouraging collaboration between academia, practitioners, and policymakers.

    The speakers emphasized sustainable practices as a cornerstone for securing fisheries resources for the future and provided actionable steps for integrating scientific approaches into real-world fisheries challenges.

    Attendees, both in-person and via Zoom in total 900 participants, engaged in dynamic discussions and gained practical knowledge on sustainability and innovation in fisheries.

    This project is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    SEAFDEC, in collaboration with the JAIF-supported project, hosted the Training Workshop on CPUE Analysis and Stock Assessment from 10 to 13 January 2025, in Jakarta. This workshop is part of the project “Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resource Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia” supported by the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    Tropical anguillid eel resources play a significant role in global fisheries, serving as a source of consumption and international trade. In Southeast Asia, the rising demand for these resources has heightened the need for sustainable management. However, efforts to develop effective management measures have been hindered by a lack of comprehensive information on eel biology, catch data, and aquaculture practices. The workshop addressed these challenges by reviewing and analyzing sample catch data, environmental data, and CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort). It also discussed methods for estimating abundance trends and developing appropriate management measures. Additionally, the workshop aimed to update regional policy guidelines to support the conservation and sustainable management of tropical anguillid eel resources.

    Deputy Secretary General of SEAFDEC, Tomoko Nakazato visited the Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development and Extension Agency. She was welcomed by the Chairman, Dr. I Nyoman Radiarta, who also serves as SEAFDEC’s Alternate Council Director for Indonesia. The visit coincided with the “In-house training workshop on CPUE Analysis and Stock Assessment” for the JAIF-supported project entitled “Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resource Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eels in Southeast Asia,” which will be conducted from 10–13 January 2025.

    The event underscores SEAFDEC’s commitment to advancing the sustainable management of anguillid eel fisheries and encouraging regional collaboration to ensure the long-term sustainability of vital fisheries resources. Dr. Nakazato recognized the important role of support from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in strengthening IFRDMD’s contribution to SEAFDEC’s overall mission.

    From 14 to 21 January, approximately 100 students from 10 ASEAN Member States and Timor-Leste will visit Japan to participate in the “ASEAN-Japan Students Conference” under Japan’s Friendship Ties Programs “JENESYS”.

    The delegation will participate in the ASEAN-Japan Students Conference to be held in Tokyo from 18 to 20 January. Under the common theme of “What we (students) can do for peace, stability, growth, and prosperity in the Asian region”, students from the ASEAN region and Japan will discuss “Maritime Security and Rule of Law”, “Climate Change and Energy”, and “Cultural Preservation and Education”, and present a “Declaration of Action Plan”.

    Prior to participating in the conference, the delegation will visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and will be divided into three groups to visit regions including Shizuoka, Miyagi, and Tochigi Prefectures, where they will have the opportunity of university visits, theme related site-visits, and homestays, etc., to experience the charm of Japan and its regions from various perspectives.

    Through this exchange program, it is expected that the youths of ASEAN and Japan will deepen their mutual understanding and that the network of friendship and cooperation between the next generation of ASEAN and Japan will be strengthen.

    Japan’s Friendship Ties Programs JENESYS 2024 is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

    The schedule of JENESYS2024 ASEAN-Japan Students Conference can be accessed here.