Attachment Officers from the Mission of Lao PDR to ASEAN Attended Briefing on JAIF
JAKARTA, 4 October 2022 – A delegation from the Mission of Lao PDR to ASEAN visited the JAIF Management Team (JMT) on 4 October 2022. Seven officials from various ministries of Lao PDR are posted to the Mission of Lao PDR on the four-months Attachment Officers (AOs) Programme. The purpose of the briefing was to provide the AOs with an overview of JAIF as one of the important partners for Lao PDR.
JMT Director Naoki Minamiguchi welcomed the delegates and wished them a successful programme while working as an integral part of the ASEAN Secretariat. Counsellor of Lao PDR to ASEAN, Mr. Sengpraarthid Snookphone, expressed his appreciation to JMT for welcoming the AOs for the second time this year. He added that the briefing on JAIF provided the AOs with the opportunity to learn about ASEAN and Japan cooperation. JMT Programme Coordinator Miyuki Ishikawa and Senior Programme Officer Billy Sumuan jointly gave a presentation on JAIF and JMT to the delegates, followed by a Q&A session.

JMT and delegates from the Mission of Lao PDR to ASEAN posed after a briefing on JAIF for the Attachment Officers.
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