Launching of Myanmar Productivity Center (MPC) is expected under JAIF support
JAKARTA, 4 October 2018 – The delegates from the Japan Productivity Center (JPC) headed by Management Director, Mr. Yukihiro Okawa, paid courtesy call to the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to ASEAN, H.E Ambassador Min Lwin on the afternoon of 4 October 2018 at the office of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to ASEAN. The JPC has been taking the role of implementing agency for the JAIF supported project on Capacity Building of Industrial Human Resource Development Organization for Productivity Improvement in Myanmar, which is currently implementing activities under Phase II. The delegates reported the achievements of the project’s Phase I as well as the latest progress of Phase II. Noting the willingness of Mr. Okawa to enhance the awareness and visibility of ongoing efforts on productivity in Myanmar, Ambassador Min Lwin provided practical advice on effectively utilizing influential networks and also offered his support when deemed necessary. As part of the project’s important milestone, the establishment of the MPC is expected in early 2019, the delegates were advised to invite high level dignitaries in the event in order to enhance its effectiveness. Mr. Okawa appreciated the valuable advice of Ambassador Min Lwin and expressed his wish to work closely with relevant stakeholders from Myanmar.
The courtesy visit was attended by First Secretary Naoto Okura, Mission of Japan to ASEAN, and two staff members of the JAIF Management Team (JMT), Director Setsuko Miyakawa and Programme Coordinator Zin Aung Swe.

JMT staff members (1st and 6th from left) posed for a group photo during the courtesy visit.
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