Activities under the Project of Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia

Activities under the Project of Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia
26 May 2023 -

Tropical anguillid eel resources are utilized for direct human consumption worldwide and its demand in Southeast Asia is increasing. For the sustainable use of eel resources, effective resource management measures are urgently required. However, appropriate resource management measures have not been developed yet because of limited information and data relevant to eel biology, catch history and statistics, and aquaculture.

The Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) supported the project Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia carried out by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (SEAFDEC/IFRDMD) which aims to collect the catch data and biological/ecological information and develop mathematical/statistical methods for estimating abundance of eel stocks, in order to formulate effective management measures on tropical anguillid eel resources in Southeast Asia.

These are the highlights of the project reported by IFRDMD from February to May 2023:

On 23 – 28 February 2023, the survey team from IFRDMD continued the first survey in 2023 to Poso of Central Sulawesi and Pelabuhan Ratu of West Java, Indonesia.

On 16 March 2023, IFRDMD organised a meeting at the Fisheries Division office of the Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Lao PDR. The meeting aimed to discuss the preparation of a book on freshwater fish profiles and fisheries activities of Lao PDR.

On 18 – 22 March 2023, IFRDMD conducted a survey activity in Pelabuhan Ratu and Poso. The team conducted interviews and discussions with the fishers, installed fishing gear, measured water quality, and had the opportunity to see and participated together with the fishers in catching glass eel at the river mouth of the Cimandiri River and the Poso River estuary during the night.

On 17 May 2023, IFRDMD visited a glass eel shelter in the Southeast Asia Region in Pelabuhan Ratu and learned the process of packaging glass eels that will be sent to buyers to be cultivated in ponds.

On 18 May 2023, IFRDMD conducted an interview with fishers of eel fisheries in the Cikaso River to find out the concern of fishers as actors of capture fisheries towards the sustainability of eel fisheries in Pelabuhan Ratu.

On 19 May 2023, IFRDMD conducted interviews with fishers of eel fishery in Cimandiri River. The interview was to find out the concern of fishers of capture fisheries towards the sustainability of eel fisheries in Pelabuhan Ratu, Indonesia. In addition, an eel collector was also interviewed to gather the problems of eel fisheries in his working area, as well as his views on the current management and utilisation of eel fisheries.

On 21 May 2023, IFRDMD team and the fishers continued the data collection of anguillid eel in the Poso River mouth, Central Sulawesi. The fishing gears deployed in some areas were checked and the water quality of the Poso waters was measured.

On 20 – 23 May 2023, the SEAFDEC/IFRDMD team and the fishers continued the data collection of anguillid eel in the Poso river, Central Sulawesi. The team also got the opportunity to meet with the eel collector and supplier.