ASCC Makes Strides Towards Finalising its ASCC Post-2025 Strategic Plan

The Eighth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Post-2025 Strategic Plan was held on 11-12 November at the ASEAN Headquarters/ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The meeting was co-chaired by the Director General of International Cooperation Department at Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Lao PDR, Khamphou Phiasackha and the Under Secretary of International Relations Division (Culture) at the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia, Dr. Christina Yeo Ken Yin.
Khamphou Phiasackha expressed his appreciation for the substantial progress made in the development of the ASCC Post-2025 Strategic Plan and underscored the importance of finalising the draft strategic plan on time. Dr. Christina Yeo Ken Yin also commended the rigorous work of the Ad Hoc Working Group during the drafting sessions of the ASCC Post-2025 Strategic Plan and leading the stakeholder engagement initiatives which gathered important insights and recommendations on the ASCC Post-2025 agenda.
The meeting is part of the activities to support the Development of the ASCC Post-2025 Strategic Plan Project under the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) 3.0.