ASEAN Development Outlook

The ASEAN Secretariat recently released the ASEAN Development Outlook (ADO). Flip through the report to learn new perspectives in achieving inclusive and sustainable development. The ADO offers comprehensive lens in reviewing ASEAN’s progress, foresees development trajectories and provides recommendations for policy makers and ASEAN sectoral bodies.
The report is structured across four key thematic areas: Identity; Natural and Built Environment; Livelihoods, and; Social Welfare and Health. Under Identity section, it highlights the importance of heritage that provides a powerful symbol of the culture of a society. The importance of heritage in ASEAN deliberations can be pinpointed to key initiatives. In 2018, the ASEAN Cultural Heritage Digital Archive (ACHDA) was made possible under the auspices of the ASEAN Senior Officials for Culture and Arts, as supported by the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). At the end of February 2020, the ASEAN Secretariat opened the ACHDA at ASEAN headquarters in Jakarta. The archive preserves the rich and diverse cultural heritage of ASEAN and showcases a veritable treasure trove of exemplary artefacts and history (see page 80-84 for more elaboration on ACHDA).
In Natural and Build Environment section under Disaster Management subsection (page 128-133), it examines about ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management (AADMER) which is at the centre of the ASEAN efforts for regional coordination of disaster management. The AADMER and its Work Programme 2021– 2025 is introduced and explored in the context of the needs of ASEAN and the pressures on the region arising from frequent natural disasters and vulnerabilities. The Development of AADMER Work Programme 2021-2025 is supported by the Government of Japan through JAIF.