Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Strengthens MSME Program at ASEAN Level

The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Indonesia (Kemenkop UKM) is strengthening the MSMEs program through regional cooperation at the ASEAN level, by regularly participating in the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME) meeting which is held twice a year.
The Ministry joined the 13th ACCMSME and related meetings held under the chairmanship of Myanmar, with various discussion agendas covering issues and initiatives regarding the development of MSMEs both at the national and regional ASEAN levels.
During the dialog between ACCMSME and Japan, a discussion was held on the possibility of resuming the ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneur Network (AMEN) Phase 2 project with funding support from the Japanese government. Indonesia expressed interest in participating in the project again after participating in the previous phase.
Supported by the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneur Network (AMEN) Phase 2 is currently underway.