Network of DELSA Stockpile to Increase the Speed and Scale of Disaster Response Across the ASEAN Region

Network of DELSA Stockpile to Increase the Speed and Scale of Disaster Response Across the ASEAN Region
7 February 2020 -

A key aim for the AHA Centre – under One ASEAN, One Response vision – is to increase the speed and scale of disaster response across the ASEAN region.

Supporting and innovating current ASEAN disaster management processes forms a key element in such efforts, and significant attention has been afforded to increasing and expanding the region’s relief preparedness, with a focus to ASEAN’s stockpile of relief items, housed and coordinated through the Disaster Emergency Logistics System for ASEAN (DELSA) warehouse in Subang, Malaysia.

The other two DELSA satellite warehouses are located in Thailand and the Philippines, with both forming accessible, efficient and innovative options for the region to deliver much-needed relief items to communities affected by disaster anywhere in the region.

DELSA is a project which aims to establish a system that will quickly deliver relief items to disaster-affected areas in the ASEAN region. The Government of Japan supports this project through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).