PaSTI – Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for Co-Innovation

The PaSTI supports developing countries to strengthen transparency action with promoting the engagement of non-state actors, based on utilization of low-carbon technologies and know-how in a collaborative and co-innovative manner (“co-innovation”).
The PaSTI is working on launching a project funded by the Japan ASEAN Integrated Fund (JAIF) in collaboration with ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC), with an aim to provide necessary support for the development and practical implementation of harmonized MRV in the ASEAN region. A workshop was held in Thailand in November 2019 as a preparatory workshop of this PaSTI-JAIF project, intended to provide ASEAN Member States (AMS) with an overview of the proposal of the project and to share information on transparency efforts implemented at the global level. The project has already been endorsed by the AMS and its implementation is about to begin.