The 15th Online AJCCBC Cybersecurity Technical Training

To enhance the capacity of cybersecurity personnel of ASEAN Member States for the creation of more robust cyberspace amidst the pandemic in which the usage of cyberspace has been increasing. The ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre (AJCCBC), with the support from the Government of Japan and ASEAN nations, has conducted 15th Online AJCCBC Cybersecurity Technical Training, concentrating on (1) Incident Response/ CYDER and (2) Network Forensics on 27 September – 1 October 2021.
The training has the objective in enhancing the capacity of cybersecurity personnel for the subjugation and reduction of cyber threats, which also has been improving themselves. The training was conducted within a 5-day period: the first 2.5 days focused on Incident Response/ CYDER and the remaining 2.5 days on Network Forensics.
Despite the invalidity of in-person training due to the policy to limit COVID-19 exposure, the participants from ASEAN Member States have harvested fruitful knowledge in protecting their respective organizations and countries. The Centre still looks forward to contributing more to the region.
The AJCCBC is supported by the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).
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