ASEAN Annual Report 2022-2023

ASEAN Annual Report 2022-2023
01 July 2023 -

The ASEAN Annual Report for the year 2023 provides a comprehensive overview of the remarkable efforts and achievements of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in strengthening resilience and ensuring an enduring recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the face of unprecedented global crises, ASEAN reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to an open, inclusive and rules-based trading system as a pivotal means to boost trade and investment while solidifying ASEAN as the central hub for regional supply chains. ASEAN has achieved key milestones such as commencement of the review of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement. ASEAN is also negotiating an FTA with Canada and exploring possibilities of strengthening existing FTAs including the ASEAN – Korea FTA and ASEAN – Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP).

On ASEAN Cooperation Projects and Programmes, as of March 2023 the cumulative value of ASEAN Cooperation Projects and Programmes (ACP) submitted since 2009 totalled USD 1,837,983,308, of which USD 1,763,874,164 were utilised (on-going, implemented, or completed) and USD 74,109,143 are in process. The project implementation was made possible with financial and technical support from ASEAN Dialogue Partners, including Japan, among others JENESYS programmes to support education and youth related initiatives, and Mangrove Ecosystem Management in the ASEAN Region to support initiative on food and agriculture. Under the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan IV (2021-2025), a Japanese-funded project, Sharing Best Practices on the Development and Promotion of On-Farm Irrigation Management among the Water-User Groups in CLMV Countries, was completed in December 2022.