Inception Meeting for the ASEAN-IPR Training: Enhancing the Role of Youth in Peacebuilding
JAKARTA, 6 February 2024 – The Inception Meeting of the ASEAN-IPR Training: Enhancing the Role of Youth in Peacebuilding took place at the Permanent Mission of Indonesia on 6 February 2024. This project aims to empower and equip the youth with necessary knowledge and skills – such as problem-solving – to fulfil their roles as the agents of peace.
The meeting was attended by project stakeholders, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, the Secretariat of the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR), ASEAN-IPR Indonesia, the ASEAN Secretariat, the JAIF Management Team (JMT), and the project team. The meeting contributed valuable comments and inputs to the project implementation plan. Additionally, JMT explained to the meeting about the requirements for project reporting and JAIF visibility.

Representatives from project stakeholders attended the Inception Meeting for the ASEAN-IPR Training: Enhancing the Role of Youth in Peacebuilding project.
© JAIF Management Team