Japan-ASEAN Development Cooperation through JAIF: A Presentation for JENESYS2022
TOKYO, 19 and 29 July 2022 – More than 100 participants of the JENESYS2022 Japan-ASEAN Alumni Online Programme joined a session on the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) as they learned development cooperation between Japan and ASEAN on 19 August 2022. JMT Director Naoki Minamiguchi highlighted JAIF components and priority areas for development assistance, including the principles and thematic areas addressed by the ASEAN Outlook for the Indo-Pacific (AOIP). Following a short video that illustrated the background and milestones of JAIF, JMT Senior Programme Officers Dea Karina Artikasih and Billy Sumuan expounded on concrete examples of JAIF projects. The presentation was then followed by a question-and-answer session.
On 29 July, nine groups of JENESYS alumni presented the findings and lessons learned from the online alumni programme. JMT Director acted as a discussant to comment on the presentations made by the groups and provided brief concluding remarks at the plenary session.
The ten-day online programme (19 through 29 July) was organised by the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) and engaged high school and university students as well as JENESYS alumni who participated in previous JENESYS programmes.

JMT delivered a presentation on JAIF to more than 100 participants of the JENESYS2022 Online Exchange Programme.
© JAIF Management Team