JMT Interviews JAIF Project Beneficiaries
JAKARTA, 28 October 2020 – To communicate the contributions of JAIF supported project, the JAIF Management Team (JMT) convened an interview with the project beneficiaries, the Philippines Centre for Entrepreneurship (PCE or Go Negosyo) of the MSME project ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network (AMEN) implemented in 2019.
The interview is shared through the Beneficiaries’ Voice of the JAIF Website.

JMT outreach team (clockwise from top-right: Sayuri Kakimoto, Dea Karina Artikasih, Tabhita Novelina and Danty Sri Wahyuni) posed for a photo with Mr. Virgilio Espelata and Ms. Merly M. Cruz in the online interview
© JAIF Management Team