JMT Monitoring Visit to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia
JAKARTA, 7 October 2021 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT) convened a virtual monitoring visit with Ms. Dian Wulandari, a representative from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia (KOMINFO). Ms Wulandari acted as the proponent of the JAIF project Strengthen Information Security in ASEAN: Develop Regional Network Security Best Practices. She shared her experience in implementing the project with JMT.
Ms. Wulandari explained about the ministry’s involvement in the proposal formulation stage, where Indonesia was the focal point for the digital sector. The proposal was then discussed by the Telecommunications and Information Technology Senior Officials Meeting (TELSOM) and received inputs from the ASEAN Member States (AMS) to ensure its relevance at the regional level. Aimed to strengthen cloud security in ASEAN, the project contributed to the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2020, specifically the action point 8.1.2 “Develop Regional Network Security Best Practices”. In addition, the project has proven to be relevant to the objectives of working towards enhanced connectivity and sectoral cooperation as stipulated by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025.

JMT Monitoring Team posed for a photo with the representative from Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia (KOMINFO).
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