JMT Participation at the Capacity Building for the Operationalisation of the ASCC Blueprint M&E Systems for Thailand
JAKARTA, 20-22 April 2021 – The training which was held virtually on 20 – 22 April 2021 concluded the series of Capacity Building for the Operationalisation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Systems. Facilitated by the ASEAN Secretariat’s ASCC Monitoring Division, all 14 sessions were attended by targeted participants from SOCA and 15 ASCC Sectoral Bodies of Thailand. With enthusiasm to learn the basic principles of M&E system, the participants engaged actively in asking questions, conducting discussions, sharing the examples from their respective sectoral bodies, and exchanging information on the current practices in conducting the M&E for work programs relevant to the ASCC Blueprint 2025 objectives.
This time around, three members of JAIF Management Team (JMT) had the opportunity to join as participants of the training. On the second day the representatives of JMT presented a monitoring mechanism for JAIF-supported programmes/projects as an example that can be applicable to the ASEAN Cooperation Programs and Projects funded by ASEAN Dialogue Partners.
Ultimately, it is hoped that this capacity building project will contribute to building and sustaining capabilities of ASCC staffs working with M&E of the ASCC Blueprint 2025.

JMT Technical Officer (Outreach and Monitoring), Tabhita Novelina (third from left) presented JAIF monitoring mechanism for programmes/ projects funded by JAIF on the 2nd day of training.
© JAIF Management Team