JMT Provides Implementing Agencies with a Briefing on JAIF Rules and Procedures
JAKARTA, 20 January 2022 – JAIF partners have increasingly been faced with unforeseen disruptions in the project implementation, some of which were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but others were due to such factors as communication gaps between proponents and implementing agencies, and insufficient or inaccurate understanding of project management guidelines.
To reduce undue interruptions in moving forward with JAIF projects, the JAIF Management Team (JMT) has started to provide the staff of newly approved projects with a briefing on JAIF rules and procedures at the onset of project implementation. The briefing provided to the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and IDEA Consultants, Inc. on 20 January 2022 was the first of its kind. As the lead Implementing Agency, IGES is charged with Strengthening Capacity for Marine Debris Reduction in ASEAN Region through Formulation of National Action Plans for ASEAN Member States and Integrated Land-to-Sea Policy Approach (Phase2).
In his remarks, Naoki Minamiguchi, Director of JMT, underlined the briefing session providing “the opportunities not only for the Implementing Agency to go through the latest rules and procedures required for the implementation of the JAIF project but also for JMT to build a new network of communication that JMT can take advantage of in case of responding to the needs of the partners rapidly.” In addition to the core project members of IGES and IDEA Consultants, Inc., the briefing was attended by Billy Sumuan, JMT Senior Programme Officer, who made a presentation on important elements to implement JAIF projects, and by Yoshikazu Kihira, another Senior Programme Officer of JMT, to clarify financial management matters. Ms. Nabilla Khairunnisa Ishadi, Environment Officer, from the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) was among the participants, too. The briefing was regarded as helpful by Dr Yasuhiko Hotta, IGES Programme Director, who coordinates the JAIF-funded marine debris reduction project.

JMT staff posed with representatives from IGES, IDEA and ASEC after the briefing session
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