Post Clearance Audit Inception Meeting on ASEAN Regional Workshop on Royalty Related Issues on PCA with Japan Customs

The kick-off meeting for the ASEAN Regional Workshop on Royalty Related Issues on PCA with Japan Customs project took place virtually on 30 May 2024.

Representatives from Indonesia’s Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Japan Customs, the ASEAN Secretariat, project organiser in Japan, and JAIF Management Team (JMT) came together to discuss the groundwork for this important training. JMT presented later in the meeting, key elements for successful implementation of JAIF projects.

The workshop, which will be held in Yokohama this November, will focus on providing participants from ASEAN member states with expertise on royalty-related issues in the context of post-clearance audits (PCAs).

Post Clearance Audit Inception Meeting on ASEAN Regional Workshop on Royalty Related Issues on PCA with Japan Customs

The representatives from Indonesia’s Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Japan Customs, the ASEAN Secretariat, project organiser in Japan and JMT during the inception meeting.

© JAIF Management Team