Activities under the Project of Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia Reported in August 2023

Activities under the Project of Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia Reported in August 2023
21 August 2023 -

Tropical anguillid eel resources are utilized for direct human consumption worldwide and its demand in Southeast Asia is increasing. For the sustainable use of eel resources, effective resource management measures are urgently required. However, appropriate resource management measures have not been developed yet because of limited information and data relevant to eel biology, catch history and statistics, and aquaculture.

The Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) supported the project Development of Stock Assessment Methods and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia carried out by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (SEAFDEC/IFRDMD) which aims to collect the catch data and biological/ecological information and develop mathematical/statistical methods for estimating abundance of eel stocks, in order to formulate effective management measures on tropical anguillid eel resources in Southeast Asia.

These are the highlights of the project reported by IFRDMD in August 2023:

On 2 August, IFRDMD organized the Meeting of Anguillid Eel Data Analysis in Bogor, Indonesia. The meeting had aim to discuss the methods for the comprehensive stock assessment of Anguillid Eels in Indonesia. The resource person was Prof. Toshihide Kitakado from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan. The eel team of IFRDMD participated in the Meeting which was also attended by Dr. Tomoko Nakazato, Deputy Secretary General of SEAFDEC and her staffs.

On 3 August, a total of 60 students of the Fisheries Business Expert Polytechnic (Politeknik AUP) Pasar Minggu attended a public lecture with the theme “Introduction of Management Strategy Evaluation for Fisheries” presented by Prof. Toshihide Kitakado from Tokyo University of Marine and Science, Japan. This public lecture was held in a hybrid format at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University and through the Zoom meeting platform and YouTube in two-hour broadcast live. This agenda is a series of activities carried out by SEAFDEC/IFRDMD in Bogor, Indonesia, where for the public lecture was in a collaboration with IPB University and the Politeknik AUP Pasar Minggu.

On the above occasion, the Deputy Chief, Mr. Tomohito Shimizu, handed over books and comics published by IFRDMD entitled “Overview and Perspectives of Anguillid Eels in Southeast Asia” and “Sidat, Ikan yang Tangguh” to Dean of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of IPB University, Prof. Fredinan Yulianda, in Bogor, Indonesia.

On 17 – 19 August, a regular survey of eel fisheries was conducted in Poso, Central Sulawesi. Catch data were collected from enumerators, and water quality data were observed in in-situ. Glass eel samples were also collected from the Poso River estuary.

On the last day, an interview and a video were taken with the owner of Banua Sidat Company, an eel rearing and processing business into meatballs and unagi kabayaki. These products have entered the market in Indonesia and are being introduced in other countries.