ASEAN to Foster Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas among its Citizens

26 July 2021 -
On 26 July, Brunei Darussalam, the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Chair, organised the 2nd Project Steering Committee Meeting of the project on Fostering Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas among the Peoples of ASEAN (GUTRA) via video conference.
The Meeting reviewed the outcomes of the High-Level Cultural Forum and GUTRA report, as well as exchanged views on the Zero Draft of the Strategic Policy Framework on GUTRA, in preparation for its adoption by the Leaders at the 38th ASEAN Summit.
Fostering Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas among the Peoples of ASEAN is supported by the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).
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