Training Workshop on Diagnostics of Begomovirus and Development of LAMP-PCR

The ASEAN Plant Health Cooperation of ASEANET, in collaboration with National Crop Protection Center (NCPC) and the Department of Agriculture of Malaysia, conducted a 2-week Training Workshop on Diagnostics of Begomovirus and Development of LAMP-PCR at Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia on 19-30 September 2022. The activity was part of the Taxonomic Capacity Building to Support Market Access for Agricultural Trade in the ASEAN Region – Phase 2 funded by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) and was attended by 23 participants representing 10 Southeast Asian countries.
In attendance were Ms. Mary Joy C. Mendoza, Dr. Marita S. Pinili, and Mr. Freddiewebb B. Signabon, NCPC researchers. Dr. Pinili also served as the regional coordinator for the activity.