First JAIF Socialisation Session for ASEAN Secretariat Staff in 2021
JAKARTA, 30 June 2021 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT), in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) Program Cooperation and Project Management Division (PCPMD), organised the first of two JAIF Socialisation Sessions for ASEC staff intended for the year 2021.
The Session aims to facilitate understanding on ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific as one of references for JAIF priority areas and the latest JAIF Financial Procedures. In addition, it also intends to raise awareness on the updated Guide on Visibility of JAIF-supported Projects. A total of 61 participants were in attendance, which included 39 ASEC Desk Officers (DOs) and project staffs, 5 PCPMD officers, 4 officers from the Mission of Japan to ASEAN, 2 officers from the Finance and Budget Division (FBD) and 11 JMT Officers. Despite being held online, participants were actively engaged throughout the session by raising their questions and challenges on project implementation, particularly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

JMT members posed with participants of the First JAIF Socialisation Session in 2021.
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