JMT Monitoring Visit to the Ministry of Technology and Communication of Lao PDR
JAKARTA, 29 July 2021 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT) convened a meeting with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Lao PDR that served as the proponent and implementing agency of JAIF-supported project Aligning Public Policy and Regulation Framework to Promote Cloud Computing Environment. The meeting discussed relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and likely impact of the project on promoting greater cooperation and supporting the implementation of the ASEAN ICT Masterplan (AIM) 2020, especially the Initiative 4.3 Support Cloud Computing Development.
The proponent attested that the project resonated with the needs of Lao PDR for digital transformation as stipulated in the National ICT Development Plan 2025. Moreover, the project proved relevant and aligned with the Revised Implementation Plan of the Vision Statement on ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation in promoting greater cooperation in the field of ICT. The discussion served as an opportunity to enable closer ties between JAIF and the stakeholders from the Ministry of Technology and Communication of Lao PDR.

JMT monitoring team posed a photo with representatives of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Lao PDR.
©JAIF Management Team