JMT Monitoring Visit to the SEAFDEC and the Aquatic Animal Health Research and Development Division, Department of Fisheries of Thailand
BANGKOK, 20 May 2022 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT) convened monitoring visits with representatives from the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and the Department of Fisheries (DOF) of Thailand. Two separate hybrid meetings were organised at the SEAFDEC Secretariat in Bangkok on 20 May 2022.
The first monitoring visit meeting was attended by 14 onsite participants from the SEAFDEC Secretariat, its Training Department, and JMT Programme Coordinator Zin Aung Swe. Two participants from the Inland Fisheries Resources Development and Management Department (IFRDMD) of SEAFDEC and other JMT members joined remotely from Jakarta, Indonesia. Mr. Koichi Honda, Deputy Secretary-General and Japanese Trust Fund Program Manager of SEAFDEC, delivered opening remarks followed by Dr. Worawit Wanchana, Policy and Program Coordinator, explaining about the project comprehensively. The discussion examined the effectiveness, efficiency, likely impact, and sustainability of the projects on anguillid eel resource management and the utilisation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in aquaculture.
With the same hybrid arrangement, the second meeting was joined by three participants from the DOF’s Aquatic Animal Health Research and Development Division. The meeting allowed JMT to obtain relevant information on the project implemented by DOF.

JMT Programme Coordinator Zin Aung Swe (sixth from left) posed for a group photo with representatives from SEAFDEC after the first meeting.
© JAIF Management Team