A beneficiary of JAIF Project Shares Her Stories on Taxonomic Capacity Building to Support Market Access for Agricultural Trade in the ASEAN Region
JAKARTA, 22 June 2022 – The JAIF Management Team (JMT) carried out an interview with Ms. Ariene G. Castillo, senior scientist, National Parks Board of Singapore, who attended two capacity building activities supported by the JAIF project Taxonomic Capacity Building to Support Market Access for Agricultural Trade in the ASEAN Region.
One of the activities was the Training on the Diagnostics of Leaf Miners of Agricultural Importance conducted by the Indonesian Institute of Science in 2016. Having passed the post-training exam, Ms. Castillo was selected to participate in a two-month Attachment Program on Diagnostic of Leaf-Miners in Japan. On-site trainings with a number of Japanese experts specialising in different topics – i.e. plant viruses, aphids and leaf miners – allowed her to learn and practice new skills.
Based on the information obtained from the interview, JMT will develop a Beneficiaries’ Voice to showcase JAIF’s achievements widely. It will be disseminated through the JAIF Website and packaged in other knowledge products as well.

JMT Outreach Team (clockwise from top-right: Sayuri Kakimoto, Tabhita Novelina, Dea Karina Artikasih, and Danty Sri Wahyuni) posed for a photo with Ms. Ariene G. Castillo, who joined the interview remotely from Singapore.
© JAIF Management Team