New ambassador of Japan to ASEAN visits JMT
JAKARTA, 7 October 2019 – H.E. Ambassador Akira Chiba, the new Ambassador of Japan to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), visited the JAIF Management Team (JMT) on 7 October 2019 at the ASEAN Secretariat.
The JMT Director welcomed the Ambassador and briefed him on the current status of the JAIF and the roles of the JMT. Ambassador Chiba also met the rest of the JMT officers and noted the team’s important role in the JAIF operations since its establishment in 2011. He encouraged the team to further cooperate with JAIF stakeholders, including the Mission of Japan to ASEAN, for the JAIF’s effective and efficient utilization.
Ambassador Chiba is the fifth Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN since Japan established its Mission to ASEAN in 2011. For his further background, please refer to the Mission of Japan to ASEAN’s webpage here.

H.E. Ambassador Chiba (sixth from left) with members of the JMT and Mr. Tomohiko Kurimoto of the Mission of Japan to ASEAN (first from left)