Promotion of ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN) by Commencing a High-Level Meeting

Proponent:Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC)
Implementing Agency:Urban Renaissance Agency (UR)


Motivated by the opportunities and challenges of rapid urbanization and digitalization, the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) came into fruition on 28 April 2018, at the 32nd ASEAN Summit in Singapore. The ASCN synergizes and bridges existing efforts of ASEAN smart cities. It is a result of collaboration, centering on the goal of “smart and sustainable urban development” among its 26 pilot cities. A smart city in ASEAN is envisioned to achieve balance between and among a competitive economy, sustainable environment, and high quality of life as described in the ASEAN Smart Cities Framework. Smart city development cuts across many sectors such as transport, water quality, energy, health care, education, public services, data, and information and communications technology (ICT).

A year since its establishment, there is much for the ASCN to reflect as it moves forward. Japan, in the ASEAN-Japan Summit in November 2018, has expressed its support for the initiative through a high-level meeting, where exchanges on progress, experiences, lessons learned, and challenges on smart city development can be facilitated among the ASCN, the public and private sector in Japan, and other international organizations.

What is the project aiming for?

The project targets senior governmental officials and national representatives responsible for ASCN in all 10 ASEAN Member States and chief smart city officers in the 26 ASCN cities. More specifically, it includes the following main activities:

  • Conduct of the ASCN High-Level Meeting (a 2-day Conference, Asia Smart City Conference, and 1-day Infrastructure Tour);
  • Development and improvement of ASCN Smart City Action Plans; and
  • Drafting of a Declaration of Statement, including further initiatives.

ASEAN Leaders welcomed Japan’s support for the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN), including the proposal to convene an ASCN High-Level Meeting in Tokyo in 2019 in collaboration with Singapore and other ASEAN Member States, and Japan’s intention to share its concept of “Society 5.0” with ASEAN Member States.

Chairman’s Statement of the
21st ASEAN-Japan Summit
14 November 2018

Considering its cross-sectoral nature, the ASCN initiative contributes to various ASEAN sectoral work plans and ultimately to the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint, and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025.

The ASCN High-Level Meeting is scheduled in October 2019 in Yokohama City, Japan.

30 August 2019