The 12th ASEAN-Japan Counter-Terrorism (AJCT) Dialogue

Proponent:Myanmar Police Force
Implementing Agency:Division Against Transnational Crimes, Myanmar Police Force


Terrorism continues to pose a serious threat to international peace and security, affecting many ASEAN Member States, their populations and socio-economic development. While there has been various cooperation at bilateral-level, collective effort is proven to be vital in maintaining a stable, peaceful and secure region.

Japan has been a long-standing partner of ASEAN in combating transnational crimes through the adoption of the ASEAN-Japan Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat International Terrorism in 2004 and the ASEAN-Japan Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Crime in 2014. The adoption of the Joint Declarations has served as the catalyst for intensifying the joint cooperation in combatting terrorism as well as the regular convening of ASEAN-Japan Counter-Terrorism (AJCT) Dialogue since 2006. Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) has been supporting 11 Dialogues serving as Japan and ASEAN’s platforms to discuss, share information and enhance cooperation related to efforts in addressing terrorism in the region.

What is the project aiming for?

Various initiatives have been hatched under the auspices of the ASEAN-Japan Counter Terrorism Dialogue. At the 11th AJCT Dialogue held in Brunei Darussalam in 2019, Japan and ASEAN Member States shared and discussed the status of ongoing and pending projects as well as initiating new project ideas.

Adopting the same objectives as the previous Dialogues, through conducting two (2)-day meeting attended by representatives from ASEAN Member States, Japan and international organisations, the 12th AJCT Dialogue aims to achieve the following results:

  • Updated information on terrorism and counter-terrorism activities; and
  • Identification of concrete measures and new cooperation areas.

We underlined the need to ensure the effective implementation of the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC)-Japan Work Plan for Cooperation to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Crime (2018-2022) and looked forward to the convening of the 12th ASEAN-Japan Counter-Terrorism (AJCT) Dialogue and the 4th ASEAN-Japan Cybercrime (AJCC) Dialogue in Myanmar in 2021.

Chairman’s Statement of the 23rd ASEAN-Japan Summit
12 November 2020
Viet Nam

The project fosters and maintains collective and collaboration efforts from Japan and ASEAN Member States to fight terrorism in Southeast Asia. It supports the Revised Implementation Plan of the Vision Statement on ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation, ASEAN Plan of Action in Combating Transnational Crime (2016-2025) and the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC)-Japan Work Plan for Cooperation to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Crime (2018-2022).

The project will be implemented back-to-back with the 4th ASEAN-Japan Cybercrime (AJCC) Dialogue in March 2021.

As of 28 February 2021