JAIF Support for Transport

Sector Brief / JAIF Support for Transport

30 June 2024
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The transport sector in ASEAN plays a crucial role in driving the region’s economic growth, integration, and development. Home to over 660 million people, the demand for efficient, reliable, and sustainable transport infrastructure is more vital than ever. The region’s diverse geography, encompassing archipelagic countries and a landlocked nation, poses distinct challenges in establishing a seamless transport network.

ASEAN has developed comprehensive strategies to address these challenges and established partnerships with Japan to enhance regional transport connectivity and efficiency. The ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership (AJTP) is the foundation of the collaborative efforts between ASEAN and Japan to improve the region's transport sector. Established in 2003 to promote sustainable, efficient, and safe transport systems, AJTP projects have significantly contributed to capacity building, technology transfer, and infrastructure development within ASEAN. These initiatives include the support for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Implementation Plan Training in ASEAN (GIPTA) and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) to improve maritime safety, introduce advanced technologies for traffic management, and promote energy-efficient transport systems. Through these efforts, the AJTP has been instrumental in advancing the region's transport capabilities while fostering stronger ties between ASEAN and Japan.


Source: https://www.ajtpweb.org/ajtp/ajtpprojects/index.html

Areas of Support and Key Contributions

Building on the successful completion of the ASEAN Strategic Transport Plan 2011-2015 (Brunei Action Plan), ASEAN adopted the ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan 2016-2025, also known as the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan (KLTSP), to continue addressing the region's transport challenges. The KLTSP is guided by the key objectives set within its respective focus areas.

To support these objectives, a dozen of JAIF-funded projects have been implemented, which helped advance the ASEAN’s transport sector significantly. The following highlights the key achievements of JAIF projects in alignment with the strategic goals of the KLTSP.

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JAIF Flagship Project under Transport

JAIF has demonstrated its commitment to enhancing maritime safety and security in the ASEAN region through its support of the VTS Operator's Capacity Development program from 2016 to 2023. A fully equipped training facility, the Maritime Transport Training Institute (MATRAIN), was established in Malaysia and equipped with VTS simulators. This facility conducts annual training sessions based on the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) model courses, ensuring that VTS operators across the ten ASEAN Member States are well-prepared to manage region's vital and busy waterways.

Khairul Anwar Bin Mohd Nor, Assistant Marine Officer, Marine Department of Malaysia

“My previous position was a VTS operator. I was given an opportunity to boost my career in maritime traffic by joining the VTS programme, which gave me a competency certificate certified by IALA.”

Communicating with vessels and understanding maritime terminology were challenges for Khairul. “In the VTS programme supported by JAIF and conducted by JANA in collaboration with MATRAIN, we learned about ship terminology, how to plot a chart work, and how to use communication equipment and more,” he said.


Khairul is using skills gained through JAIF-supported training to ensure safe navigation.

© JAIF Management Team (JMT)

Caroline Veronica, Maritime Telecommunication Officer, Directorate of Navigation, Indonesia

“I have been participating in a number of VTS-related trainings before, but the one I attended at the ASEAN Regional Training Center for VTS gave a full set of training and thus, I can say it’s the most comprehensive one.”

While there are local trainings for VTS operators in ASEAN countries, they are not based on internationally recognised IALA standards. “Having internationally recognized certification gives me added-value, especially to my career development as a civil servant. It also allows me to participate in international committee meetings,” Caroline enthusiastically shared.


Out of 18 representatives from ASEAN, Caroline (seventh officer from the left)
was one of two females who attended the VTS operator’s training in ARTV.

© Japan Aids to Navigation Association (JANA)

After successfully completing the training and obtaining her internationally recognized certification from IALA, Caroline is confident that she can support her sub-directorate more effectively. “I am now focusing on the development of VTS simulators in Batam, and once it is completed, I can share the knowledge acquired from the training to VTS operators in Indonesia.” Read more on her story in Beneficiaries’ Voice.

Now Khairul and Caroline are IALA-certified VTS operators, which they emphasised sets this training apart from all others they received in the past.

Moreover, JAIF continues to support the transport sector through the ongoing Second Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Implementation Plan Training in ASEAN (GIPTA 2.0). This project is designed to train managers and officers responsible for developing and implementing GNSS introduction and operation plans across ASEAN. In addition to the symposium and seminar sessions planned for the second phase, hands-on, practical training sessions will be arranged in Japan, including workshops and site visits to actual operating systems, equipment, and more.