Highlights of JENESYS2022 Activities in October 2022

JENESYS2022 aims to promote mutual trust and understanding among the peoples of Japan, ASEAN Member States, and Timor-Leste, to build a basis for future friendship and cooperation, as well as to encourage an understanding of various aspects of Japan. The project is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). These are the highlights of JENESYS2022 activities conducted in October 2022:
Online Student Conference for JENESYS ASEAN Alumni (Day 1): A total of 30 JENESYS alumni from ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste, as well as Japanese students, participated the three-day online program, from 9 – 11 October 2022. At the first day of program, the participants listened to lectures by professor and experts on five themes such as “Food sustainability” by Mr. Charles E. McJinton, CEO of Second Harvest Japan, “Cultural Heritage” by Mr. Yuichi Uchiyama, Manager of Toppan Inc., “Fair trade” by Mr. Yasuhiro Fukuchi, CEO of Yatsumoto Tsusho Co., LTD., “Education” by Prof. Shoko Yamada, Nagoya University, and “Disaster Prevention” by Mr. Akio Sasahara, Executive Director, Asian Disaster Reduction Center. The lectures followed by a workshop where participants discussed on how to develop more workable action plan. This action plan will be presented at the reporting session on the last day.
Online Student Conference for JENESYS ASEAN Alumni (Day 2): On the second day of the workshop, students from ASEAN countries, Timor-Leste, and Japan discussed seriously, and the discussion continued even after the expected time. Sometimes there were hot discussions, however, they found great solution on this argument. All participants indeed showed their hard work.
Online Student Conference for JENESYS ASEAN Alumni (Day 3): At the final day of the three-day online program, each group member of “Food Sustainability”, “Cultural Heritage”, “Fair Trade”, “Education”, and “Disaster Prevention” worked out an action plan through the workshops. Each group made presentation materials in terms of 1) Definition of the Issue, 2) Learning about the Issue, 3) Project-Plan, and 4) Conclusion. Since the Task List and One-Year Project Timeline has been clarified in the Project Plan, students from ASEAN, Timor-Leste and Japanese will work together from now, keep in touch with each other and implement the joint activities.
JENESYS Indonesia and Timor-Leste Online Program: On Thursday, 13 October 2022, Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) as the implementing agency of JENESYS2022 held an online program for people involved in fisheries in Indonesia and Timor-Leste. As a lecturer, Mr. Fujiwara Takahiro from Resources Management Promotion Office, Fisheries and Resources Management Division, Resources Management Department, Fisheries Agency was invited to give a lecture on “Circumstances surrounding Japan fisheries and new resource management.” After receiving a detailed lecture on fisheries resource management, many questions were asked from the participants. It is hoped that this program will be meaningful to the participants and that it will be an opportunity for them to continue their relationship with Japan in the future.
Brunei Reunion with Japanese Embassy: A reunion for JENESYS Brunei alumni was held on 20 October 2022. Ms. Watanabe Eiko, Embassy of Japan in Brunei gave a presentation on the theme of “Japan’s Contribution in Brunei Darussalam”, explaining specific examples of economic, political, educational, and sports activities between Japan and Brunei. She also touched on the activities of JENESYS alumni.