Highlights of JENESYS2023 Activities Reported in February 2024

JENESYS2023 aims to promote mutual trust and understanding among the peoples of Japan, ASEAN Member States, and Timor-Leste, to build a basis for future friendship and cooperation, as well as to encourage an understanding of various aspects of Japan. The project is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). These are the highlights of JENESYS2023 reported by Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) in February 2024:
JENESYS Japan-East Timor Cultural Exchange was held on 23-30 January 2024. Six high school students and one facilitator from Kochi prefecture visited East Timor and deepened friendship and understanding between the two countries through school exchange, visit to JICA office, NGO inspection, etc. Last day was blessed with the opportunity to hear words of encouragement directly from the Prime Minister of East Timor, Kai Lala Shanana Guzman.
During the school exchange, high school students visited two schools and made many friends through introduction to Japanese culture and Kochi prefecture, as well as wearing traditional costumes, visiting classes, painting and origami. Lectures on ODA and inspection of the reservoirs at JICA East Timor office, fair trade and coffee cupping lectures at Loja & Cafe Aroma Timor.
JENESYS Cambodia-Japan Young Politics-Oriented Exchange was held on 31 January to 7 February 2024. A total of ten young people politically oriented from Cambodia have participated in the programme in Japan. The Programme aims to boost the country’s democratic development by promoting dialogue among the ruling and oppositional parties. During their stay they have taken lectures about democracy in Japan, visited the House of Parliament in Tokyo and exchanged with members of the Japan-Cambodia Parliamentary Friendship Association. In addition, a courtesy call with the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. It is hoped that the experience they had and the bonds they created in the programme will ensure future development, safety, and stability in Cambodia and tighten the future relationship between Japan and Cambodia.