Regular Survey for Eel Catch Sampling Survey Activity in Pelabuhan Ratu, Indonesia

Regular Survey for Eel Catch Sampling Survey Activity in Pelabuhan Ratu, Indonesia
23 February 2021 -

Survey team led by Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (SEAFDEC/IFRDMD) carried out Regular Survey for Eel Catch Sampling Survey Activity in Pelabuhan Ratu, West Java, Indonesia on 12-15 February 2021. This survey is a part of the project on Development of Stock Assessment Method and Strengthening of Resources Management Measures for Tropical Anguillid Eel in Southeast Asia supported by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

During the survey, the team visited Cimandiri and Cikaso Rivers for representative eel’s fishing ground in West Java. Those rivers are well known for their fishing ground in Indonesia. Anguilla bicolor is a dominant species of eel on both of location. The team set the fishing gear in possibility spots and measured river’s water quality. There were four water quality parameters that were measured, i.e., depth, water temperature, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen (DO). In general, the water quality of Cimandiri and Cikaso was good enough for aquatic life. This is supported by the abundance of glass eel during observation. The abundance of glass eel in Pelabuhan Ratu was high since December 2020. The fishers got high catch on short period (15-30 minutes for one fishing activity). Besides, the team could see their movement during the day.

Water quality monitoring is one of important parts in assessing and managing eel’s ecosystems. The monitoring and updated information on water quality from this mission would provide fundamental information for eel resources management.