The First ASEAN Virtual Regional Conference of Public Librarians

The 1st ASEAN Virtual Regional Conference of Public Librarians was held from 23 to 25 August 2021 with the theme “ASEAN Libraries, Arts, and Culture: Inspire, Innovate and Collaborate”. The main objective of this virtual regional conference is to provide a venue for learning and appreciation of the ASEAN libraries, arts, and culture as well as, their inspiring stories, initiatives, collaborations, and innovations.
On the second day, Ms. Punnapa Suksakorn, focal point of National Library of Thailand as well as one of the keynote speakers delivered her remarks on the Library Portal: Assessment of Library Advocacy Practices for Regional Cooperation. During her presentation, she introduced ASEAN Cultural Heritage Digital Archive (ACHDA) as an example of regional cooperation.
The ASEAN Cultural Heritage Digital Archive (ACHDA) is made possible with the support from the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).
The recorded version of the session is available on National Library of the Philippines’ YouTube channel: